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Off Camera

Jan 20 — Feb 19, 2011

Featuring work by: Micah Danges, Oliver Herring, Amelie Von Wulffen, Martina Sauter, Brion Nuda Rosch, Virginia Poundstone, Joe “40,000” Murphy, Letha Wilson, Jessica Mein, Miroslav Tichy, May Wilson, Sebastiaan Bremer, Dan Murphy, Isaac Tin Wei Lin, Lee Godie, Felipe Jesus Consalvos, Anthony Campuzano

Fleisher/Ollman is pleased to present the group exhibition, Off Camera, a survey of photographic works which have been drawn or painted upon, animated, collaged or made into sculpture. Off Camera features a wide-range of work made by artists who set aside photography's conventions, cast off the limits of the medium and rely on invention when a straight representation of the physical world fails to meet their needs or expectations.


The photography featured in this exhibition is neither pristine nor conventional. In much of the work, the photos themselves are "wrong," taken with homemade cameras made from discarded objects, printed with dirty negatives, pulled from a common photo booth, torn or found. Some works "fix" the print, highlighting an area with line or hand-coloring that may be out of focus or need extra attention. Other pieces remove crucial details and focal points entirely or use mark-making across the surface of the print to obscure an event or reveal an imagined pattern or interior landscape.


Often times the constraints of the print are ignored and the artist takes a variety of liberties including extending the edges of the image by adding on paper, drawing or painting, collaging with other materials or creating a new, subtly transformed image by combining two or more photographs. Select works in Off Camera also free the photo from its two-dimensions by folding, cutting and shaping prints into sculptures, while others interrupt the image's stillness through animation.


In total, the works in Off Camera challenge our vision by making visible that which is not apparent, posit the impossible, confuse genres, subvert photography's traditions and factual claims, and manipulate reality and meaning.


Participating artists include: Sebastiaan Bremer, Anthony Campuzano, Felipe Jesus Consalvos, Micah Danges, Lee Godie, Oliver Herring, Jessica Mein, Dan Murphy, Joe "40,000" Murphy, Brion Nuda Rosch, Virginia Poundstone, Martina Sauter, Miroslav Tichy, Isaac Tin Wei Lin, Letha Wilson, John Wood and Amelie von Wulffen.


Press inquires: info@fleisher-ollmangallery.com

Fleisher/Ollman is pleased to present the group exhibition, Off Camera, a survey of photographic works which have been drawn or painted upon, animated, collaged or made into sculpture. Off Camera features a wide-range of work made by artists who set aside photography's conventions, cast off the limits of the medium and rely on invention when a straight representation of the physical world fails to meet their needs or expectations.


The photography featured in this exhibition is neither pristine nor conventional. In much of the work, the photos themselves are "wrong," taken with homemade cameras made from discarded objects, printed with dirty negatives, pulled from a common photo booth, torn or found. Some works "fix" the print, highlighting an area with line or hand-coloring that may be out of focus or need extra attention. Other pieces remove crucial details and focal points entirely or use mark-making across the surface of the print to obscure an event or reveal an imagined pattern or interior landscape.


Often times the constraints of the print are ignored and the artist takes a variety of liberties including extending the edges of the image by adding on paper, drawing or painting, collaging with other materials or creating a new, subtly transformed image by combining two or more photographs. Select works in Off Camera also free the photo from its two-dimensions by folding, cutting and shaping prints into sculptures, while others interrupt the image's stillness through animation.


In total, the works in Off Camera challenge our vision by making visible that which is not apparent, posit the impossible, confuse genres, subvert photography's traditions and factual claims, and manipulate reality and meaning.


Participating artists include: Sebastiaan Bremer, Anthony Campuzano, Felipe Jesus Consalvos, Micah Danges, Lee Godie, Oliver Herring, Jessica Mein, Dan Murphy, Joe "40,000" Murphy, Brion Nuda Rosch, Virginia Poundstone, Martina Sauter, Miroslav Tichy, Isaac Tin Wei Lin, Letha Wilson, John Wood and Amelie von Wulffen.


Press inquires: info@fleisher-ollmangallery.com

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2011 01 off camera 18 1000 xxx q85
2011 01 off camera 22 1000 xxx q85
2011 01 off camera 23 1000 xxx q85
2011 01 off camera 41 1000 xxx q85
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Felipe jesus consalvos 0612 800 xxx q85Micah danges 0002 800 xxx q85Micah danges 0001 800 xxx q85Amelie von wulffen 1707 800 xxx q85Miroslav tichy 0010 800 xxx q85Miroslav tichy 0008 800 xxx q85Miroslav tichy 0006 800 xxx q85Miroslav tichy 0005 800 xxx q85Felipe jesus consalvos 0736 800 xxx q85Felipe jesus consalvos 0591 800 xxx q85